He was born on the 24th September 1947. A screenwriter, film director and TV journalist. After graduating from the Fine Arts College, he studied film directing at the Polish National Film, TV and Theatre School in Łódź.

Since the end of the 80s he has co-operated with Polish Television (TVP) on regular basis. So far his artistic work has consisted in writing scripts and directing about 30 documentaries and making a musical for television. His films, including the debut - "Ancient Łódź", were awarded many times at festivals in Poland and abroad.




1985 „Łódź starożytna” / “Ancient Łódź”, documentary
1990 „Szalom” / “Shalom”, documentary
1991 „Rozpad” / „Break Up”, documentary
1991 „Teoś” / „Teoś”, documentary
1992 „Dziedzictwo” / „Heritage” , documentary
1992 „Oto jest głowa zdrajcy” / „This is a Head of the Traitor”, documentary
1993 „Inni wśród swoich” / „The Different among Friends”, documentary
1994 „Integracja” / „Integration”, documentary
1995 „Tolerancja” / „Tolerance”, documentary
1995 „Moja archeologia” / „My Archaeology”, documentary
1997 „My i Oni” / „We and They”, documentary
1997 „Chrzestny dar” / „Godparents’ Gift”, documentary
1998 „Pięć moich matek” /“My Five Mothers”, documentary
1999 „Z ziemi własnej do Polski” / „From the Own Land to Poland”, documentary
2000 „Karuzela” / “Merry-go-round”, documentary
2001 „Ostatni świadek” / “The Last Witness”, documentary
2003 „Polska Via Dolorosa” / „Polska via Dolorosa”, documentary
2004 „Łyżeczka życia” / „Spoon of Life”, documentary
2004 „Małgosia” / „Małgosia”, documentary
2005 „Jakby to było wczoraj” / „It Seems Like Yesterday”, documentary
2005 „Wybór należy do Ciebie” (część I i II) / „This is Your Choice” (part I and II)
2006 „To nasza młodość” / “Such Was Our Youth”, documentary
2008 “Chutor Konne” / “Chutor Konne”, documentary
2008 “Narodzona po raz drugi” / „Born Again”, documentary